Is Homeschooling Right for You and Your Child?

With more and more parents wanting their children to receive an education different from that being offered in the public school system, homeschooling is becoming more popular every day. Currently, there are approximately 12,000 homeschooling learners in the Philippines, but this must have increased at a faster rate during the pandemic when this delivery mode was considered sensible.

Homeschooling offers unique benefits for both you and your child. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether homeschooling is the right choice for your family’s educational journey. Remember, as a Filipino mom, you have the power to shape your child’s education and provide them with a nurturing and personalized learning experience.While some parents are adamantly against homeschooling, studies show that kids who are homeschooled perform well on standardized tests, excel in college, become self-directed learners, and succeed as adult employees. Notwithstanding, if you’re mulling over the option of homeschooling your children, there are many factors you should consider to ensure it will be beneficial for them. For parents thinking about homeschooling their children, below is a list of the pros and cons to consider. We’ll start with the pros.

Ability to teach what you want, when you want.

Probably the biggest benefit of homeschooling is the ability to choose your child’s curriculum. You choose what your child studies, when they study and for how long. No one knows your child better than you. And now one cares about your child’s progression more than you. If you want to spend more time studying math, you can do so.

Children also have the ability to spend more time focusing their studies on areas of interest, such as art or science. In most states, homeschooled children have complete autonomy to complete their curriculum at their own pace. Notwithstanding, a bit more relaxed and less rigid structure than the public school setting, homeschooled kids tend to learn just as fast as kids in the public school systems – and sometimes much faster.

Freedom to choose.

While homeschooling in many ways can be quite demanding, in one way it can be a big relief. Families who homeschool their children are no longer constrained by the daily, weekly and monthly schedule imposed by the public school system. Families may choose to set up a homeschooling routine that mirrors that of the local school system, so that their kids are off when other kids are off, but their lives no longer revolve the school’s calendar and school hours. Families find they have much more freedom to go on vacation and live their lives according to their own schedules.

Increased emotional and physical safety.

These days bullying is prevalent in most public schools. While not every kid is bullied, it happens to quite a few – and the result can be devastating. It’s not only emotionally damaging, but it makes receiving a good education and learning close to impossible for some kids. Unfortunately, drugs and gangs also show their face in the public school system. Homeschooling avoids all of these potentially harmful influences. Other negative influences that homeschooling avoids include peer pressure, competition and poor self-esteem issues. During the high school years, most girls struggle to maintain a high level of self-esteem. Homeschooled children also don’t have to worry about the whole issue of “fitting in” that plagues just about every child in the public school system.

Increased productivity.

In most classrooms in public schools, there is 1 teacher for every 30 to 50 children. Not only does each child in a public school receive very little one-on-one instruction from their teacher, they also end up doing a lot of unnecessary busywork. In a homeschool setting, children can often accomplish in a few hours what it would take all day to accomplish is a public school. Kids attending public schools often have a ton of homework – because the classroom setting isn’t conducive to getting a lot accomplished. Homeschooled kids rarely have homework, as homework is completed while class is in session.

Homeschooling offers unique benefits for both you and your child. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether homeschooling is the right choice for your family’s educational journey.

Remember, as a Filipino parent, you have the power, right, and privilege to shape your child’s education and provide them with a nurturing and personalized learning experience.

Discover the transformative homeschool in the Philippines at Hope Horizon. Nurture your child’s potential with personalized education, an engaging curriculum, and a supportive community.